Fairer site charges and rules

I have heard that CC management have studied forum comments and in view of the number of posters who want to pay strictly only for what they use, and those who feel some rules are inadequately applied, the following changes are being considered:
1. All pitches to be charged by the hour with a minimum charge of 24 hrs starting from 1200. The suggested price is £1 per hour minimum but, in line with the other club, this may vary daily depending on the site occupancy. Periods outside the 1200 to 1200 standard ‘day’ to be charged at £5 per hourwith a minimum 4 hour charge. This sum will be credited to the waiting member as compensation for inconvenience suffered while waiting for the pitch to become vacant.
2. All service points - taps, ccdp, waste water, toilets, showers, dishwashing etc will be fitted with coin operated meters. Prices to be decided.
3. Electricity to be metered per unit and there will be a fixed charge for all pitches to cover infrastructure, lighting etc. Therefore, the fixed charge will apply irrespective of whether or not you use the EHU.
4. Only one motor vehicle is permitted per pitch to reduce traffic flow on site. Additional vehicles to be parked in the Pay and Display car park by the entrance.
5. The 5mph speed limit on site is to be strictly enforced with fines being imposed. This will be monitored by speed/ANPR cameras fixed on all site roads but, unlike the highway, they will be painted green to blend with the site greenery and other signs. The cameras will also monitor cycles, skateboards, mobility scooters etc (grass cutters/tractors will remain exempt). These measures are deemed necessary for the safety of unsupervised children and animals roaming the site.
6. Failure to pick up dog poo will result in the owners being summoned to clean the facility blocks for the remainder of their stay on site. No cancellations or early departures will be allowed. (This will have the added bonus of giving wardens more time for grass cutting and hedge trimming throughout the day.)
The foregoing will be operated and enforced by a private security company (Thugs ‘R’ Us Ltd) as it would place an excessive workload on the wardens. The cost of outsourcing will be met by a variable additional admin charge calculated at the time of departure.
CC believes this fairer charging system will be acceptable to all members, especially the perpetual whingers. Any comments should be addressed to Orla O’Filp at Club HQ.