Got a bigger caravan

Last year I bought myself a 1992 Lunar Meteorite 2 berth & had some lovely holidays away with my daughter. When preparing it for the year aheads holiday I noticed that it was leaning quite drastically to the right (door side) on examination it appeared
that the suspension had gone, after several phone calls to get quotes on repair & having a right laugh at the prices, I decided it was not worth it having only paid £1000 for the caravan & the quotes coming in around £900 for a referb or approx £1200 for new.
I was therefore left in a quandry about what to do as I did not want to be without a caravan so decided I needed to get another, I then had to make the decision on whether to stick with a 2 berth or go bigger. I decided to go bigger because although I loved
my little Lunar I had found that without the awning, if it piddled with rain I had no where to put the wet coats etc. So off I went & I have now purchased a 1999 Swift Challenger 530se 4 berth with end bathroom.
My partner went & collected it in his big grey van as I had been on a night shift & needed some sleep. On return he commented that he could "feel that he was towing", which has made me some what nervous as I was never a confident tower in the first place
& sat next to my little Lunar it does look somewhat bigger. So in the next week, after a mover has been fitted to make it easier in getting it out of the garden after the fun we had pushing it in, it will be hooked up to my Citroen C4 Picasso for a test drive
in preparation for the first holiday away at Easter to Sacrewell Farm, Peterborough which is a 3-4hr drives from home (I live in the New Forest, Hampshire).