Lead member or another

I have been a member along with my partner for many years. I'm frequently frustrated as being "another", my partner who is
a joint member of our caravan is the Lead member and she alone can make the bookings. O.K. I have no problem with that. It make save duplication. But little things like researching buying a new car through the club, I'm not allowed in. Why not ? this has happened
on more than this occasion. I pay the same fees as my lead partner, so is this not discrimination. Come on lets get into the real world and have equal rights.
Good afternoon Mayesderek.
I am sorry to hear you are having a problem, it is all down to the email address that you have registered against your membership number , we can only register one email on your membership details, feel free to call anytime and change the email address
on the membership records, once we have changed, you can they re register the new email.Kind regards
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I don't understand why that is derek, unless she's keeping her password safe from you! We can both access all areas even though we only have one username and password. I don't see it's a problem or am I ms-understanding?
Same here moulesey; in our case my OH is the lead member, but as he isn't that interested in CT I'm the one using the one username and password we've got between us. Similarly, I'm the one making any bookings.
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Ditto here. I decided that, as I do all of the bookings, that it's my email address which is registered with the club. My OH doesn't touch the site at all but can always do so if he wishes as he knows the password.
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Good afternoon Mayesderek.
I am sorry to hear you are having a problem, it is all down to the email address that you have registered against your membership number , we can only register one email on your membership details, feel free to call anytime and change the email address
on the membership records, once we have changed, you can they re register the new email.Kind regards
Write your comments here...Thanks K. I'm half way to understanding. R U saying that should I change the e mail address to that of my partners on your C.C's website, I will be able to share the lead role, booking's as well as being able to log into those
fringe sites. Why can't both individual addresses be recognised?0 -
Is it really such a problem?
It is my e mail etc that is registered, but it's always OH that makes the bookings, using "our" log in details.
She even posts on CT, using the login, so you wil never know if it is her or me!!!
Write your comments here...Yes KJ, we both have different e mail addresses and passwords, prefering it that way. My query is why cannot the two be used in tandem. Thanks for your interest.
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Presumably because that is not how the CC system has been set up.
As Kimberly said......."we can only register one email on your membership details"
But is it really such a problem, as it is easy enough for either of you to log in with the registered details to use all areas of the website.
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I do not have problem with people sharing the same avatar, and know many who do, but it would make it much better if they then identified which one made which comments on CT I think. That way if you are following threads, or even simply become familiar
with comments associated with one avatar, you can recognise who is actually doing the comments. Sometimes each person’s views differ which leaves you wondering why someone has changed their minds or perspective on topics. In the stories section I believe we
have a family of 4 all making entries and no one identifies which person is the author, it can become confusing if you follow their stories. Regards, Roy0 -
I do not have problem with people sharing the same avatar, and know many who do, but it would make it much better if they then identified which one made which comments on CT I think. That way if you are following threads, or even simply become familiar
with comments associated with one avatar, you can recognise who is actually doing the comments. Sometimes each person’s views differ which leaves you wondering why someone has changed their minds or perspective on topics. In the stories section I believe we
have a family of 4 all making entries and no one identifies which person is the author, it can become confusing if you follow their stories. Regards, RoyWhy not just do what I've done. I'm not the "lead member", so have simply registered on CT as a non member, so can be myself!
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The only possible problem I can see, is if you want to book something by phone. Never do it, so I don't know. Will the CC take bookings from both members?. I have experience of other organisations that will only deal with the lead member.
My OH is the lead member and whilst we've not booked any sites by phone, I did phone a couple months ago about a different (membership) matter. There was no problem and they didn't ask to speak to the lead member.
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Is it really such a problem?
It is my e mail etc that is registered, but it's always OH that makes the bookings, using "our" log in details.
She even posts on CT, using the login, so you wil never know if it is her or me!!!
I agree, why should it be a problem. Create a 'joint' email address, which is easy enough, and which you can use for things like club membership, and a joint password and then just use those details. That's what we do. We have our own 'personal' email
addresses which we keep for other stuff.0 -
Yet another subject raised at the members question time. It is subject that interests me because I am the other member. I happen to be male, but I would suspect that the majority of other members are female. I make this statement without evidence, however
as lack of evidence never stopped anyone else posting. If I am correct then it is a form of indirect sexism.The answer given was by paying your subscription you were effectively buying a share in the Caravan Club therefore you can only have one login. Once again I am only reporting what I was told.
The suggestion that I have to use my wife's login details to access anything apart from this forum to me seems faintly ridiculous there must be a better way. I some members share a login and post on here, but guess what, occasionally our opinions don't
always correspond.0