bridging the divide...

Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
edited August 2013 in How to use Club Together #1

Good morning everyone, and a lovely sunny one it is too (remember this ? it is called pleasantries, let's start as we mean to go on Laughing)
I joined the CT Facebook group mainly to transfer pictures to here and I have used the PM system a few times too, but today we have a discussion going on over there that I feel would benefit CT too. It is becoming apparent that we now have Fbk members who
don't post here. The Fbk group is a nice place to be and because it is "secret" & members only, feels secure. I also think that is why we all work just that little bit harder to keep it nice and pleasant. Yes we can disagree on subjects but there is no unpleasantness.
Everyone also knows that if they step out of line Jill can stop their membership IMMEDIATELY if she feels the need. Do we need such a deterrent here ? I think so, obviously we have non-members here too and I'm not taking about stopping them joining the club
if they so wish but the ability for Rowena to STOP someone posting here if they misbehave, even for a short while would hopefully make them think twice about being nasty, what does everyone else think ?Undecided
