Taking dogs on the ferries...

A member of a local centre also works for P&O and posted this on their facebook page, I think it bears posting here too...
Some of you may have seen the article about a dog that died on a P&O vessel during a crossing from Calais to Dover recently. It is heartbreaking for the family concerned and over the past few days we have been getting a lot of flak over it from passengers
when they have come on board. In case anyone is travelling with their dog to france soon and is worried, please be aware of the following: When loading the ship we are always advised when pets are travelling by the shore staff and will always place them in
the shade out of direct sunlight. The crossing take on average 90 minutes and if you are ever worried about your dog you can go to the information desk who will arrange for you to be taken down to the car decks. (This has always been the case and is not a
recent introduction) The car decks are ventilated throughout the crossing. However over the last week I have had to chase up six vehicle owners because they had left their car with all the windows shut and a dog inside and some more because they did not leave
any water -so it is not all one sided....on a positive side I am now officially on holiday and we are off to grafham water in three days time -yippeeeee!