Eterniti Caravans

In case anyone has not heard Eterniti Caravans WENT BUST / CALLED IN THE ADMINISTRATORS yesterday.
Quote from their Web Portal
"They (Eterniti) Are NOT in a position to fulfill outstanding Orders or Refund ANY deposits"
HORRENDOUS state of affairs !!!
Eterniti Caravans Limited (in Administration) ('the Company')
On 27 March 2014 the Company entered Administration and T A Jack and I were appointed as Joint Administrators. The appointment was made by the Company's directors under the provisions of paragraph 22 of schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986.
On 28 March 2014 the Company ceased to trade.
The Company is not in a financial position to fulfil outstanding customer orders or refund customer deposits.
We will be contacting all creditors, including customers, as soon as practicably possible to provide further information.
Please direct any queries you have in this matter to us, in writing, at the following address:
Eterniti Caravans Limited (in Administration)
c/o Ernst & Young LLP
100 Barbirolli Square
M2 3EY