Aires de service

sweenbo Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited June 2016 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

My wife and I have only just started touring , in our recently purchased motorhome and we live in Northern Ireland. I have noticed on our trips around province that there is a lack of Aires de service points not only on this side of the border but also in
Southern Ireland , which I find suprising given the amount of people I have encountered touring over here from all parts of the world. Has the caravan club ever had discussions with tourist boards on both sides of the border regarding the lack of such services,
I know that people we have met on our travels feel that an increase in such facilities would increase there stopping off in villages and towns on route and put this Island on a parr with other european countries which appear to cater for the touring community
much better.  



  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited June 2016 #2

    It's an oft repeated subject that has no answer!

    Only France and Germany (generally) cater for Motorhomes.

    There is no chance of other countries matching them....however there are a few schemes where MHs are allowed to stay at pubs and farms etc in various countries.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2016 #3

    There have been calls for similar set ups on the UK mainland as well and all sorts of points put for and against. You could try contacting CC direct but they do tell us they're not a campaigning organisation.

  • jakeontour
    jakeontour Forum Participant Posts: 63
    edited June 2016 #4

    The Motor Caravanners Club invested a lot of time and money into this cause a few years ago, sadly to a generally negative response from the local authorities.

    The principal issues seemed to be: travellers taking over the facility, loss of income to existing caravan sites, and somewhat bizarrely, loss of income to local hotels and b&b's.

    There have been some notable success stories that have stayed the course and proved a positive benefit to all concerned.

    Notable examples are Broughshane in NI, Canterbury P&R, Chester, and more recently Lytham St Anne's.

    So it can be done and be a success for all parties, it just needs the local council to recognise the potential and have the will to carry it through.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited June 2016 #5

    It shouldnt need a lot of planning. Any disused car park so long as it's gravel or hardstanding should do. Add a water tap, drainage and a septic tank and bobs your uncle, you have an Aire.

    To finance the investment a ticket machine issuing tickets at £5.00 per night and a retired person calling round in the evening to check everybody has paid. 

    Would be advantageous to the City as it would benefit from tourism income. Would benefit Motor caravanners as they would only have to pay £5.00 per night. It would stop motor caravanners parking on lay bys and rubbish tips and dumping toilet waste in the
    grass verges;  Would also stop motor caravanners;parking overnight in residential streets and dumping toilet waste in people's gardens. Like what heppened in Dover.

    Aires are well worth the effort as everybody would benefit.
