Vote against the Chairman's Re-election

I was delighted to discover that in response to the Club's invitation to vote on line, I was able to make a proxy vote to instruct the Chairman to vote on my behalf against his re-election.
I feel he made such a fool of himself and of the Club by instigating the Caravanner of the Year competition that he is not fit to continue in office.
Please follow my lead and make use of your vote.
Does it really matter if he is re-elected or not. Having done the demonstration of how to rip the back off a caravan. It might be informative if he was to demonstrate how to reverse his caravan around a curve between two long brick walls 3 meters apart.
He might just redeem himself in the eyes of the caravanning fraternity.
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In my short time as a member of this club, the major thing that stands out is how helpful people are when you have a problem, even just checking that you are ok before you get up the courage to ask. So why the negative comments about a guy that has put himself
out there to do an important job.As for the caravan incident, what about all those so-called "helpful experts" who witnessed it, even recording the expensive event. I think he's a bigger man than most to allow it to be shown and not insist on it being cut from the program.
If that's the calibre of our chairman - he has my vote
stand up all those that has never had a mishap and put in for the job- that counts me out!
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Who cares ! Those who were upset by a TV programme are too sensitive for words and seem to think that caravanning actually is a serious business. It's meant to be fun, those who take it so seriously are the ones that are actually ridiculed.
Get a life! Get out and enjoy.
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"So why the negative comments about a guy that has put himself out there to do an important job."
Of course, the £100k a year probably helped him through it.....
...I think you will find that Granville like all the voted for commitee do not get a salary
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It's true the chairman showed a lack of judgement behind the wheel of the vehicle but we don't know enough about him as to whether he lacks judgement in his business life. The real problem is I have no idea who any of them are or their business backgrounds
so on that basis I won't vote0 -
It's true the chairman showed a lack of judgement behind the wheel of the vehicle but we don't know enough about him as to whether he lacks judgement in his business life. The real problem is I have no idea who any of them are or their business backgrounds
so on that basis I won't voteAgree with you 100%. So he can't reverse? but he's not elected to do that, he's elected to help run this club, Vote for him on that basis alone, and as above if you can't then don't
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I have met him a couple of times and he comes across as a pretty down to earth sort of guy whose passion is the Caravan Club. He has come in for some totally unacceptable opinions and criticisms in other threads. Rather than someone calling for him to be
voted out they should have the courage to stand against him in an election if they feel that have more to offer.David
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.... Rather than someone calling for him to be voted out they should have the courage to stand against him in an election if they feel that have more to offer.
Write your comments here...
Putting forward ideas, or yourself, or even contacting a Member of the Club's Committee, is nothing like as easy as you might think in the Caravan Club, which is actually a ppretty closed shop which conducts itself to its own entire satisfaction. For example,
to put a motion to the AGM, which you might imagine was every Member's right, is actually very difficult and involves getting prior approval of the Executive Council. You can't simply approach the Council, or even a single Council or Committee Member, because
they are inaccessible.But you can at least show your disapproval by voting against the re-election of the Chairman, which I have exercised my right to do. No doubt he has many redeeming qualities but I felt the Chairman's involvement in the Caravanner of the Year Competition,
which was clearly his personal project, was seriously misjudged. It was also disgraceful that after a huge outcry on this forum, well over 100 pages of mostly adverse comment and many calls for the Chairman's resignation, the next edition of the Club Magazine
made no mention of any discontent and instead printed a few letters of praise and thanks.We therefore need a change at the top, so please join me in registering your objection by voting against the Chairman's re-election.
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Have just returned home and see there is an Email from the CC inviting me to vote for committee members.
I am going to vote for the retention of G Chamberlain as Chairman.
I quite enjoyed watching the Caravanner Of The Year Rally and G Chamberlain provided much amusement. As far as the contestants were concerned, there were absolutely nothing wrong with them, they were good people, the kind of people you will see every weekend at CC rallies.
So all in all I am looking forward to next year's COTY and see what entertaining faux pas are made by Chairman G Chamberlain. He has my vote...
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If anyone wants to put a point over ,there are regional meetings held in venues over the country every year,which are attended by HO staff and Commitee members ,but it seems some expect a personal visit,to be able to vent their often misguided views
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It was a stupid mistake but hands up anyone who has not made one. The only thing that matters though is how he helps contribute to the running of the club. If you feel he is generally doing a good job then there is no reason to vote against him unless you
know of a better candidate.0 -
Channel 5. I caught this programme last week, not what I expected to be honest. Was expecting a lot more sensationalism, some out and out caravanning freaks, (channel5 don't forget) but to be honest, my overriding recall of the programme was of everyone
having an enjoyable time. Ok, it wasn't "the Club" but there was lots of laughter and people very much doing their own thing, if you are into naturism.As for voting committee members in, that's up to individual voter to decide if Club is going in a direction that suits, and will keep you a member.
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How come almost everyone who posts on here, knows what's wrong. But never actually come up with any positive suggestions on how to get right?
I believe that if the club tapped into the wisdom and experience demonstrated on this forum. The club could be transformed into a bankrupt shell with in 5 years.
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Well I know someone on this forum who has been a senior manager in several multinational companies and been responsible for multi million pound budgets.
That person also is qualified in commercial law and recently did a degree in management with a specific focus on business strategy. Don't think that person would bankrupt the CC.
That person would be delighted to offer their experiences to the club but that person has no idea who to approach
Wonder which poster that might be?
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I will second that member ....
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..... so actually showing it is mostly normal people was a good thing
I must've missed them.
I saw a 40something bloke (with a particular hairstyle that I'm not allowed to mention) caravanning with his mum. A couple that had a selection of soft toys, one of which they chose to take on holiday with them and a list maker in his motorhome .... I'm
sure there were others0