Your Club...Your Region meetings

It is that time of year again, when the Regions throw open the doors to members in their area who would like to find out more about the Club at all levels or have questions they would like answers to. Representatives from the Region and East Grinstead HQ will be available to try and provide solutions (or point you in the direction of someone who can ).
The South West Region details have already been posted in another thread ... "The South West Region of the Caravan Club are pleased to invite you to ‘drop in’ and join us at 'Your Club In Your Region Event 2014 on Saturday April 5th from 11.30am at The Holiday Inn - The Holiday Inn Taunton (M5 Junction 25 )
The South East Region, (open to all members living in Surrey, Sussex, Kent & South London) invite you to a new venue this year - The Village Hotel, Forstal Rd, Maidstone ME14 3AQ (just off Jct 6 M20) on Saturday 12th April at 2.00pm (Doors open 1pm)
Other regions, please feel free to add your events too
(More details nearer the time)