Parny - new van
Hello, this is my first disscussion on caravaning. It is completely new to me, I am picking up my first caravan from kimberley caravans towards the end of February. Excited and a little anxious, I am wondering what sort of things to ask and check when picking
up my brand new (never thought I'd ever buy brand new but plunged in at the Manchester exhibition Jan '15!) Sprite alpine 2 ? I've read the tips section on basic caravaning - so this should help? But I don't know much about whether to buy the caravan polish
"caravan brite" or their fabric protection - does it really work? or are there better things to spend money on?(£350 for the polish alone).
Having jumped in to the deep end, I don't even have a tow car.....I have been looking at the ford c-max or grand c-max which seem to have sufficient weight and power, but again stats don't tell a full story, so if anyone could advise here I would really
appreciate it. I've read on the loaded vehicle towing the fully loaded caravan, and on nose weights and understand these but I still have no experience.....
Feel like I've asked enough, but any advice will help - especially on what to look for on picking up my caravan. Thank You