The next CT Forum

It would seem to me that it really is time to swap the current forum out and bring in something that works.
The current software may look fairly pretty from the outside but it’s pretty pathetic under the covers. It’s clearly unmanageable and the lesson to be learned should be that, if you go it alone you are on your own. Buying a package means you share the cost
of support and development with a larger community. If a successful one is selected the overall cost should be much less.
I think I read, somewhere between the Error Occurred’s, that the Club is considering a switch so I’d like to suggest that we use this discussion thread to list the features we users would like to see in our forum area. I’m not convinced that the Club ‘knows
best’ in this case, so we may have a chance to offer some guidance. You never know, the Club may heed our suggestions even though it doesn’t always appear to.
I am referring to the Forum part of CT and not necessarily the Site Reviews or Stories.
Please stick to the point (and control your patience).