CT Forum stagnation

I note that the Club still claims that CT “just keeps growing”. The statement is repeated again in the latest (May edition of the) magazine.
I assume it comes from the accumulative number of people who have created a login ID which, at one time, was increasing at the rate 1000 every week. If that is the case, the membership can never fall. Not all of the membership will be accessing this forum,
however, as only about half of the visible membership post in the forum.
I have taken stats from the forum activity in March and September in 2014 and observed a drop in activity over that six month period. Recognising that the drop may be a seasonal thing, I have recently completed another set for March this year and the figures
I collected were closer to those for the previous year.
I must confess that I was a little surprised that there had not been a significant fall, year-on-year, as that is how use of the forum seems to be. My point is that I dislike being bombarded by meaningless propaganda. At best, the forum part of CT has stagnated
and not grown but I hope that the new software might help to redress the situation.