Wheel centre spacers

Hello all. Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I have just changed the tyres on my Bailey van, to ensure that they stay within the 7 year age limit. Now, I can confidently say that I am an automotive technical expert, and I was absolutely shocked
to see the wheel centres were not supported by the axle!!! The wheel centre is larger than the axle hub. This means the only thing supporting the entire weight of the caravan (1400 Kg MTPLM) is the wheel bolts! This would not be allowed in motor vehicles,
and each wheel on a caravan supports more load than each wheel on most cars, hence I had to get high load rated tyres. After all my efforts to ensure I am safe with new tyres and correct load ratings so I can take my family to France next week, I find I have
a disaster waiting to happen. Has anyone had the same issues, and did you use spigot spacers?