Radiator and blown air heater...

We have an Autotrail Tracker that has a heater and also seperate blown air heating.
I know this must seem like a stupid quesiton but I can't find the answer in the manual...
The fixed wall heater produces hot air as soon as I turn it on but the blown air blows cold for some time till it " heats up" for want of a better phrase. I assumed it would work in the same way as the fixed air heater and blow hot immeditately. Can anyone
put me out of my misery and explain why it takes a while?
It cannot blow hot immeditately as the unit has to warm up. The air is passed round the sides of the combustion chamber using a fan to drive it. The combustion chamber also heats the water as well as the air. Ours used to take 5 - 10 minutes to get going.
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Ours is the same. A Carver P2, doesn't heat the water though, take 10-15 minutes to really warm up. Basically the gas heats up what looks like a finned cylinder and the blown air is funneled past it and warms as it goes so you don't get any direct gas fumes,
they go out an exhaust pipe.0