Taking my Staffie to Europe

Katy1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited April 2016 in Your Pets #1

Hi Everyone.

After having read many discussions and threads relating to Staffies I would like to ask if anyone regularly travels to france in a motorhome with a staffie that is a rescue dog and therefore has no kc registered paperwork? I am setting off in July and am
extremely apprehensive that we will not get into France and therefore the rest of Europe!! I know there have been discussions on this site before about this topic but they are a few years old now and I would really appreciate some up to date info.  Rita seems
to have made it into France on numerous occasions so maybe her owner could put my mind at rest. Thanks to everone in advance. 


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #2

    I hope you get a positive answer Katy, but what does your vet say?

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited April 2016 #3

    Rita has indeed been to France and Spain several times with no bother whatsoever.I have only once been stopped by a Gendarme and asked for her "permit"  he examined her PP and said "Oh,my wife is called Rita.".Staffies are exempted from the French dangerous
    dogs regulations but crosses are not,However if your Pet Passport states Staffordshire Bull Terrier then that will suffice.I got our vet to write a letter confirming that Rita is a Staffie and a rescue hence no KC papers.You will find that the French are dog
    lovers and that Staffies are regarded with curiosity not hostility.In Isle sur  la Sorgue a stall holder stopped us and showed us pics of his Staffie on his Iphone.Watch out for French Bulldogs which can be nasty beggars and want to pick a fight in cafes though-very
    trendy with young French right now.Of course never leave your Staff unattended outside a shop etc as some French Yoofs do show an unhealthy interest in Staffies but they do here as well-hence the mythology about them being "dangerous dogs".

  • Katy1
    Katy1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #4

    That's really good to hear, to be honest my vet didn't even know there was any issue surrounding staffies and their crosses going to France but I suppose until it's something you need to research for yourself you wouldn't really know there was a problem.
    I understand from everything I have read that there is also an issue with staffies in Spain, Portugal and Croatia (and possibly other countries)! But you have obviously not had any problems at all. Do border control even ask to see the dog or do they just
    look at the passport? I take it you have never been put off going to these countries with Rita incase you may get turned away?    

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited April 2016 #5

    I can't help you with Staffies specifically but I have a rescued German Shepherd x as stated in her passport.  She is actually x with Rottweiler not widely welcome in France.  In my experience once the microchip is verified they don't give a toss what leaves the UK and enters France.  I tried presenting the dog passport with mine on arrival n France and all I got was "Woof" from passport control!  I would relax and enjoy the holiday!  Once you are sure the passport is in order that is.  I came to France recently to help with sick brother and have been slightly caught out waiting for the rabies dates to tally with going home?

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited April 2016 #6

    I hope you get a positive answer Katy, but what does your vet say?

    Write your comments here...with due respect vets in UK only seem to be versed in the returning to uk regulations.  They don't seem to know what happens in Europe, in my experience at least. 

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited April 2016 #7

    Katy,nobody checks anything at the EU internal borders as they are Schengen Zone-I have only ever seen the Guardia  at a distance sitting in their vans at the Spanish border.I have been asked for the PP and evidence of 3rd party insurance twice at French
    campsites,so I take our Pet Plan policy with us-again no bother there as the owners were pleased "tous nickel".I fiit Rita with a Scalibor collar a week before travelling and I take Eliminall tick treatment for each month we are there.I also take Milbemax
    Chewy for the worm treatment prior to return and the French vets have always been happy with that .Should you be stopped at the frontier within the Schengen Zone I doubt very much that they will be there looking for random Staffies-after all they have "other
    issues" to check on right now.I do carry a muzzle in my rucksack in case of challenge and for use on public transport but I only pop it on if requested to-as I was once on a ferry on Lake Annecy,no big deal really.Go for it,Ken.

  • Katy1
    Katy1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #8

    Thank you everyone that is really good news. Once we get to France are are planning west and south coast, northern Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, back to Eastern Italy over to Greece and then head to Turkey for Christmas. Then back again slowly by July next
    year. We are very excited and hope the dogs are going to love it. We have Dotty the staffie and a miniature Jack Russell Lily.