First Rally
We attended our first rally this weekend with the East Yorkshire Centre at Eden Camp, Malton.
We didn't know what to expect and thought with weather a bit wintery it might be a bit flat. How wrong we were.
The two evening socials, the first night meeting fellow caravaners at 7.30 for a chat and a brew and biscuits, all settled down for the evening bringing all our tipples leaving about 10 pm. Saturday a full house playing games, quiz and Chris brought his
guitar for a sing a long. Food was provided and nibbles to eat on the tables. We left at 11 pm and it still was going strong.
The Marshalls and Co- Marshalls worked very hard making it a very enjoyable weekend, making sure the new ralliers were included and not left out ( 3 couples on their first rally).
We had a very good weekend making new friends. When we got home booked another 2 rallies making that 5 booked up to now this year.
I would recommend anybody to give it a try, maybe 2 or 3 times to see if it's for you.
We are now looking forward to our next one in April.