New Bailey Caravans

PJMEG Club Member Posts: 181
edited April 2016 in Caravans #1

Hi, We currently own a 2011 Bailey Pegasus 2 Milan and have had it for 4 years, we are very happy with the build quality and have no problems with the van, the time is drawing closer to think about a fixed bed van as in our current van the bed has to be
made up at the front. On a recent trip to a local Bailey dealer we thought we had found the perfect van for us the Bailey Brindisi with a transverse bed and end bathroom but unfortunately the build and finish seemed very shoddy so I looked in the Unicorn version
the Vigo but I found this to be the same and was also disappointed to see the front locker had been done away with, this is a real shame as we would have gladly had another Bailey but on face value may have to look at other makes of van, could anyone recommend
a van with a similar layout, thanks.


  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2016 #2

    Just about All manufacturers produce fixed bed layouts so making recommendations is difficult. We have just gone through a similar process and like you while we liked many features of the Bailey vans, the finish, quality and execution of details was often
    very poor. Too many demo vans with upholstery problems to name but one issue. However There will be those who are just as happy with their new Bailey/Swift/Lunar/Coachman etc as those who would not touch one with a proverbial bargepole. We personally like
    Swift group products and were tempted with a Coachman too (kitchen and lounge too small). In the end we are going for a dealer special version of a Sprite Quattro as our solution. 

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited April 2016 #3

    I'm a Swift fan so try the Challenger 580 or the Eccles 580.  Same layout as the Vigo and the two models give you a choice of furnishings using the same layout.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,764
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited April 2016 #4

    We have been very happy with our Lunar but it is realy a question of what suits you. All makes produce something similar and frankly after looking round most there is very little between them.

  • armourer
    armourer Forum Participant Posts: 218
    edited April 2016 #5

    just bought a 2016  sprite major 4sb with the island bed

    great quality and not to heavy 1415 kg fully laden

    they come with a 10yr water ingress check it outwarranty  not like the bailey 6yr then you have to BUY another 4 yr


  • kentman
    kentman Forum Participant Posts: 147
    edited April 2016 #6

     Very happy with our series 3 Vigo after 18 months. I might have bought another make for better build quality but it was marginal and my wife liked the Bailey decor. Try looking at 2 or 3 year old vans to see how they have weathered the years, before deciding.
    Doing that turned me off some makes.

  • handsj
    handsj Forum Participant Posts: 117
    edited April 2016 #7

    At last October's NEC show we attended with a view to buying a Bailey but were seriously underwhelmed with the finish so looked at other makes with fixed beds. Very impressed with Coachman finish & quality but these caravans were relatively heavy for our towcar.

    We eventually settled on an Elddis Affinity 550. The quality and finish seemed excellent and the 550 has a really nice separate and private rear bedroom that can be shut off using the bathroom door  in its dual-purpose role.  We're really pleased so far.........



  • GMC
    GMC Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #8

    Like the OP, we were looking for a fixed bed 'van to replace our 4-year old Pegasus 2 Genoa, as making up the front bed nightly was becoming a bit of a chore for two dodgy backs.  After suffering a string of failures with this 'van (something broke/fell off/stopped working on about two thirds of our trips away) it was time to look at another manufacturer.  After much consideration we settled on the new Swift Challenger 565.  The 2 single beds are excellent, but there's always a compromise of course, and in this case it is the much smaller washroom.  Nevertheless, we are pleased with it overall - and so far the only failure was the battery box catch jamming in the closed position, requiring me to force it open with the inevitable broken catch to show for it.  Fortunately our dealer despatched a new one by post which I fitted a couple of days ago.

    Our fingers are crossed that this one will prove to be better put together.  We would have been happy to remain with Bailey because their layouts and general furnishing have always been to our liking, it was just the hopeless finish that drove us away.

  • AbesOdyssey
    AbesOdyssey Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #9

    We have had our Bailey Peg Rimini for 2 months and are very happy with it so far . 

  • SBos
    SBos Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited April 2016 #10

    Two trips out in our Bailey Pursuit 430/4 and we are very happy with it. Couple minor faults, bathroom door stuck for one, but both faults immediately dealt with by Dealer.

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited April 2016 #11

    We have just gone for a 2 berth Lunar (bought new last year) to a new Sterling Elite 560.  We needed a larger van and I also wanted a fix bed as I was fed up with the hassle of making up the beds and waking up every morning with a bad back.  We like you
    were going to have a Brindisi but got fed up of the ever changing lead time on one.