Wobbly roof panels. Is this a problem or 'normal'

RaCo Club Member Posts: 5
edited May 2015 in Caravans #1

Hi there. 

I’d appreciate any views that the more experienced or technical folk may have with regard to wobbly roof panels.

I have a Bailey Pageant (2-berth) made in 2003 and recently, when cleaning the roof with a long handled brush, I noticed that the outer aluminium skin of the roof is quite ‘wobbly’. I was wondering if this is normal for that type /age of roof. In parts it moves up-down by about a centimetre when I brush over it; the movement is across a good section of roof (1 to 2 metres), not just locally in one spot. My concern is that this movement will be happening all the time I’m towing, due to the air-flow over the roof, and may lead to metal fatigue and hence some (catastrophic) damage. I’ve had the van for 18 months now and as far as I know it’s always been like this. I’ve cleaned the roof several times and have noted this movement before, but this last time got me thinking as to whether the roof should be absolutely rigid (like a modern bonded roof) or if this flexibility is normal for the older type design / construction.

I’ve tried researching this on-line, but not come across anything similar (just flaking paint). I’m aware of delamination in the case of (bonded) floors, but can the same happen to a roof?  Thanks in advance for any replies.