Those damned Weekenders stopping longer bookings!!
OK the title is just an eyecatcher for which I apologise. . I was a weekender myself once but don't think sites were so busy 20/30 years ago. I book my touring breaks in December having in the past tried to book a run of 7 or 8 sites along a route and been thwarted by weekends being booked. I tend to stay 5 nights on a site before moving on (It does vary).
On many sites over the weekend there does seem to be a lot of regulars (not just seasonal) where familes seem very familiar with each other and I often wonder how many weekends they must book on the same site effectively hogging the site. This seems most noticeable to sites within striking distance of major built up areas.
Maybe limiting the number of Friday and Saturday night bookings to sites could free them up more. No idea really. Just wondering.
Weekenders are not a problem for me now as I book all my breaks at earliest opportunity to avoid problems. with weekend availability and also area events.
When I was weekending there were no websites and I usually booked wednesday for the Friday/Saturday/ Sunday. I tended to use 3 CC sites for 3 weekends each and the rest on CL's and one commercial site.
Maybe restricting the number of weekend bookings for a particular sight would drive outfits to CLs, other club or commercial sites: I don't know
Any one have any views. As said nothing against the weekenders.