Placed to sell a motorhome for free?

Wih huge sadness (both the prospect of losing our much-loved MH added with the utter pain in the bum of selling and then buying its replacement) we have come to realise our MH isn't big enough now that we have a baby who seems to need more stuff than her
parents combined!
I've listed it on Gumtree, and on the CC Clasified section (which is really
Are there any other useful free sites?
I'm really not in a rush to sell as we can still use our MH, its just a tad small, but it'll work fine until we get the right buyer. So I'm not keen on paying to list on ebay or autotrader.
Have only just started looking into caravans (yes, sorry, we're moving to the dark side) - so another reason to not be in a rush.
Hope this post doesn't break any rules.