Caravan noseweights - manufacturers figures
Due to problems with my current caravan, I have recently started to think about changing it for a newer model. I attended the Elddis factory open day and was particularly impressed with the SoLiD construction method and with one of their models. However,
my towcar has a low hitch load maximum, so I emailed Elddis to ask for the ex-works noseweight of the model I liked. They have refused to provide this as a matter of policy - their excuse being that publishing a high noseweight will give the wrong impression,
particularly in the case of rear fixed bed models where the space beneath the bed can be used to achieve the correct balance. They clearly believe that their customers are too stupid to use a little common sense in working out potential matches. So far as
I am aware, no manufacturer publishes noseweights as a matter of course. Given that this weight is legally as important as the MTPLM in that exceeding it can bring about prosecutions, etc, isn't it about time that manufacturers should be legally required to
provide this information?
John M