Why I love my caravan
Remember the days of foreign package holidays? Stuffing everything you need into 1 suitcase. Have we remembered such and such, who has the tickets, where are the passports, we HAVE TO LEAVE NOW else we'll miss the plane AND we have to park and then the endless
queues both sides, then the waiting for a coach/hire car - and that's before you arrive at your 'room'. Can't cook what you fancy, no fridge for your favourite tipple etc. Cue The Caravan! What bliss. We leave home when we're ready. We can sit out with a
glass of wine watching the world go by, I can have egg and chips if I want egg and chips but I can also rustle up a mean red Thai curry if the mood takes me. And then again we can eat out every night too if we so choose. My clothes are hung up, my pillow is
MINE, my duvet hasn't been slept in by hundreds and I have my favourite mug and tea bags. What's not to love about this wonderful relaxing lifestyle.