Leisure Battery Scandal
I have just read John Wickersham's article in the magazine' technical section - always my favourite pages. He reveals that of the nine leisure batteries tested, only two were the genuine article, the rest being car batteries but labelled as a leisure battery.
The Club, no doubt as advised by its lawyers, decline to name and shame, which is perhaps understandable and maybe we wouldn't want our money spent on expensive court proceedings. But there is no indication what the Club is doing with this information - a call to Trading Standards would be an absolute minimum, surely.
I've just checked the make of my battery - which I've had for at least 8 trouble-free years, so presume it's legit - and it is a Platinum Lifestyle, which is not one of the two genuine batteries named in the article, and makes no mention of being to standard EN 50342. I'll be contacting that company to ask the question, but in the meantime, has anybody had any premature battery failures (other than from abuse/misuse/neglect) that might give rise to suspicion?