A CL Misnomer

nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 13,992
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edited May 2015 in Certificated Locations #1

We have just let a CL in Mid Wales were all looked well when we arrived, apart from the grass being long, a couple of empty carvans on two of the CL pitches and 3 other vans stored close by. The site had both ladies & gents toilets & showers, good views
and acres of fields for walking our dog. However come Friday a large tent appeared on one of the CL pitches, then most of the others became occupied and still more units arrived. In total there were 9 occipied units on the CL field and 2 on the one behind.
Saturday was similar, with a couple more smaller tents appearing. On top of everything else the electrics cut out on all pitches, probably because of overloading, and it had not come back on by the time we left late this morning. Although this farm has a CL
sign at it's entrance it was obviously being run as a small commercial site.