Wash cubicles

Yes I know it's been raised before, but not for a long time!
Why on earth do the CC insist on keeping putting so many wash cubicles in their toilet blocks?
Example - at Bladon chains, there is one toilet block and in the gents it has 4 showers, 4 toilets and 6 wash cubicles! There were regular queues for the toilets and the most I ever saw were 2 wash cubicles occupied (Not that I stood around doing a survey......no sirreee!)
I admit that this is an older block, but they still put them into new blocks on new sites. Is it just habit? Do they not realise that they are rarely used?
It's time that this policy was re-thought and, when it comes time to refurbish blocks, they rip out most of the wash cubicles (one or two is more than enough) and replace them with extra toilets and showers.
They had the ideal opportunity to do this at York Rowntree a few years back and failed miserably. Another sign that the people who work there have never used a caravan in their lives?
CC please take note!