Northfield Farm, Kidlington, Oxford

I wont give the details of this site but want to comment on the reviews.
There are 17 reviews, 2 giving 4 stars, 11 giving 5 stars which included myself and CY, and 2 giving 2 stars.
Why the discrepancy? The last 2 reviews were the negative ones and the reason being Network Rail were working on the track at night. Yes so it's the CL owners fault.
One even moaned about the poo from the owners 2 dogs. The owner pointed out he only had 1 dog and while we were there we saw no dog dumps nor owners dog. Another moaned about the noise from the deer, this being a deer farm, and it says so on the CL blurb.
It's a farm for goodness sake, would they have whinged if the cows mooed. Don't bother to answer that.
Should the owners ring up the Thames Water Authority to check for flood alerts on the Cherwell which runs alongside the field?
What is it with these people and I often wonder why some CL owners bother.
p.s. we are going there again later this year because we had to cancel while my wife had her ops and chemo and they kindly held over our deposit.