Oaklea CL

A CL we have used a couple of times a year for the past two years is Oaklea near Woodhall Spa. We plan to go there again twice next year and despite the 170 mile trip it is well worth it. Sixteen acres for five outfits. It is a mini arboretum and has a small wood with mown paths at the bottom of the site. In the short time we have been visiting the site we have got on well with the owners so imagine our shock and sense of loss the other day when ringing up to book for next year that Pamela had passed away suddenly not long after our last visit. We both felt gutted. Piotr told us he is going to carry on with the site because there is no point in keeping it just for his enjoyment. I hope past tourers continue to use it despite Pamela not being there with her smiling face and wicked sense of humour. If people don't use it then it will be a great loss to the CL network.
R.I.P. Pamela, you'll be missed.
Oaklea is 1091 in the book on page 400.