Dog Tic's

hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 7,862
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edited June 2016 in Your Pets #1

I am looking after my Grandsons  small cross Westie and Jack Russel terrier whilst they are away on holiday. I also walk him each morning and keep him until about 1700hrs . But this week I have found tic's stuck to him ,as the week went on they became more
numerous. I did manage to remove 3 but now he knows what's going to happen and has started to growl, due to this I have used Doc Martin's clear Spot On tic and flea remedy . I have also ordered some tic removal tools. I wondered if anyone had , had, the same
problem and how they deal with it , also if they used Spot On and the removal tools ? ?


  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited June 2016 #2

    yes its a real problem at certain times of year. The removal tools are excellent never try to remove one without a tool because if you leave the head in which is likely then infection is a big risk. Regular grooming yo keep an eye on all aspects of the dogs
    health and to get it used to being handled by handler or vet. My cocker has n issues with me doing anything to her because she has been grooned daily from a pup.

    good luck

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 7,862
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    edited June 2016 #3

    yes its a real problem at certain times of year. The removal tools are excellent never try to remove one without a tool because if you leave the head in which is likely then infection is a big risk. Regular grooming yo keep an eye on all aspects of the dogs
    health and to get it used to being handled by handler or vet. My cocker has n issues with me doing anything to her because she has been grooned daily from a pup.

    good luck

       Funny you should mention Cocker, its all change next week I have my son's for a week whilst they are on holiday.

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited June 2016 #4

    I pity you......

    is it from working pedigree, how old ?

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 7,862
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    edited June 2016 #5

    I pity you......

    is it from working pedigree, how old ?

      Yes it's a working pedigree but just a pet now he's about  5/6 yrs . He's got a dog passport my son lived in Dubai for 18 months so he ent with them . My son is now going back to live in Dubai again ,so he will be going back there.

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited June 2016 #6

    We seem to have been lucky ...only one tick in the last 5 years.  Many years ago, my FIL's dogs seemed to pick up a lot of ticks.  I'm not sure if there were removal tools in those days, but what he did was to numb the tick with alcohol, then he would just
    pull it off intact.  

    When ours got a tick last year, we didn't have a removal tool, so tried his method.  The problem was, the only alcohol we had was some really good brandy.  It did work, but what a waste of good brandy

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited June 2016 #7

    I pity you......

    is it from working pedigree, how old ?

      Yes it's a working pedigree but just a pet now he's about  5/6 yrs . He's got a dog passport my son lived in Dubai for 18 months so he ent with them . My son is now going back to live in Dubai again ,so he will be going back there.

    Bet its still a mad begger though :)

  • jeffcc
    jeffcc Forum Participant Posts: 430
    edited June 2016 #8

    I keep mine treated with spot on and also as spk Groom regularily as she gets everywhere when out walking and you cant be to careful  ( evem more time consuming as she is seriously long haired)

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited June 2016 #9

    I am very lucky Jeff as my cocker is short haired and golden so the littel beggers are easy to spot which means you can remove before they really get buried in. My mates GS had to go to vets last week to have one removed from the side of her eye it was deeply
    buried in orrible little sods they are, as you know. I also use a liquid you put on back of neck but how effective they are I really dont know.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,394
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    edited June 2016 #10

    Some areas of the country, moors especially are hot spots for ticks, as we found out last year! We always keep our dog's flea treatment up to date, but unknown at the time to us, what we were using didn't kill ticks as well! After chat with vets, first we
    used to use frontline, then another, alternate. But the frontline wasn't as effective with fleas, been on the market a long time and evidence suggests that it isn't as effective any more on fleas. We now use Advantix, which prevents/ gets rid of both. Some
    ticks are a serious hazard, so if it is possible to prevent them, this is better. Good grooming, frequently, as spk recommends is best as well. North York Moors are very bad for ticks, hardly surprising given all the sheep and deer about!

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited June 2016 #11

    We are in Germany at the moment but previous to that we were in Italy and Slovenia, those two countries were terrible for tics. Each and every night we inspected Cassie and always found at least one on her, despite the treatment given before we left home
    and during.

    Found the 'fork' tool best and providing they weren't to small, a few turns and out they came followed by a dab of antiseptic cream. Took great delight in wrapping it in a tissue and whacking it with the peg hammer.

    Austria and Germany, she has been clear.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,898
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    edited June 2016 #12

    We've always been lucky - fortunately she has not picked up a tick, to our knowledge.  When going to France/Italy, the vet advised us to stop the Advantage but to give her Advantix while abroad.  After saying all that, she hardly ever gets into long grass, so perhaps that's why we've been lucky 
