Longer Sofas Needed

Kenzo Irl
Kenzo Irl Forum Participant Posts: 17
edited April 2014 in Caravans #1

Hi All,

We are relatively new to the caravan scene having started last August.  In purchasing a 2010 Lunar Clubman SE we got an excellent caravan and have had plenty of fun thus far. 

Our "problem" is that we have two gilrs, aged 13 and 9 and our 13 year old is stretching...  We have found that my wife and I sleep in the fixed bed and the girls sleep opposite each other on the front sofas.  This arrangement has been perfect and saves
the extending of the sofas to the double bed arrangement. It also works that they don't need to share a bed !! Less arguing etc...

What we need now is a similar layout but with longers sofas.  We would prefer to retain the single axle style.  We have a decent 4x4 to pull, so weight is not an issue, per se.  Anybody with similar experiences or advice.

Many thanks.