Replace or Repair a Fiamma water pump ?

On my Motorhome I have a Fiamma Aqua 8 water pump. It has been making funny noises in the last couple of weeks, so I disconnected it and took it apart. Essentiall the pump is two halves: the upper half is the motor and the bottom half is the pump. There
are three 'valves', for want of a better desctription, in the lower half and these are fixed with screws within the mechanism. All three screws are snapped so that the valves are not really working efficiently (if at all). I have researched on line and find
that Fiamma do a 'Kit Upgrade' for this pump at about £48., which is the lower half of the unit. All you do is replace the pump half with the new pump by attaching it to the motor half. A new pump would cost in the region of £80. My engineer, says, he would
never upgrade anything - "always replace the whole unit", as putting new with old is false economy.
So what do the experts in this forum think? By the way, do I bite the bullet and dig deep into the wallet or try to save money? Incidentally, the Motorhome is 12 years old (and so is the pump), but in good condition albeit used regularly and done about
70,000 miles so far. I hope it will last another 70,000 miles. So you can see I am an optimist. Yours views, please ......