Toilet flush 1/4 filled when towing

Heethers Forum Participant Posts: 641
edited May 2016 in Caravans #1

Does anyone do this and can it cause aproblem, we used to do it in our Unicorn but just having had the flush repaired on my lunar,a little wary of doing it. Wife often needs to use the loo on the longer runs. l normally just put enough in for a few flushes


  • Riba
    Riba Forum Participant Posts: 70
    edited May 2016 #2

    I wasn't aware it was a problem??

    I just fill my flush tank when it needs doing and tow with what ever's in it.

  • JohnDH
    JohnDH Forum Participant Posts: 183
    edited May 2016 #3

    We do exactly the same.

  • Probert10
    Probert10 Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2016 #4

    i have always done the sme after drining on our old van and soaking my trainers in pink toilet flush fluid, and as heethers said you can use in services if desperate

  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited May 2016 #5

    We always empty ours for travelling but I can't see that a small amount of liquid would cause any problems.  

    photo 78301b06-7bdd-45fe-8ae2-d4d2cae14135_zpssi5htrez.jpg

  • Mike Greenfield
    Mike Greenfield Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited May 2016 #6

    Does anyone do this and can it cause aproblem, we used to do it in our Unicorn but just having had the flush repaired on my lunar,a little wary of doing it. Wife often needs to use the loo on the longer runs. l normally just put enough in for a few flushes

    Have always travelled with my toilet filled with water just in case the wife needs it.  My current van is a Lunar and have had no problems what so ever.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2016 #7

    The  one  true  advantage  of  having  no  "Top  Tank"  but  taking  water  for  flushing  from  the  general  supply  in  my  Motorvan.   Instant  availability if  I  remember  to  put  the  handbrake  on !!

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2016 #8

    Unless staying on a site for a long period, I never put more than a couple of litres in anyway.

  • MeatHome
    MeatHome Club Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2016 #9

    The design may now have changed but on an 8 year old van, with push button electric flush, the sloshing water corroded the electrical terminals.

    After that always travelled empty

    However this does not apply hand pump system therefore just a small amount in the tank to keep weight down to a minimum 

  • MrGarval
    MrGarval Forum Participant Posts: 120
    edited May 2016 #10

    We have a 9 year old Bailey and always use the loo when travelling and have had no problems with flushing water. However, we do try to limit the amount of fluid in the flush tank and by experience get to know approx how much fluid is in there.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #11

    We generally leave a small amount of water in the header tank. In case it's needed on the journey.

    Always drain the tank when back home after holiday.


  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
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    edited May 2016 #12

    My caravan doesn't have a separate flush tank, but the loo draws water out of the main water tank and even with water in that I've never had problems.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #13

    If its very windy (no pun intented) I often leave water in the tank I find it helps with stability!

  • chrisn7
    chrisn7 Forum Participant Posts: 72
    edited May 2016 #14

    The handbook does specify a maxiumum amount (which I forget at the moment). However, Thetford have thoughtfully provided no means whatever of measuring said volume!

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited May 2016 #15

    I always empty mine before any journey,

  • Heethers
    Heethers Forum Participant Posts: 641
    edited May 2016 #16

    Thanks for all your replies l will continue traveling with water in the flush but only enough for 6 0r 7 flushes. If you have red my other thread l l have had to have the toilet removed under warranty to have a new wiring loom fitted and uprated pump. Ours
    is the dometic type with a type of ceramic bowl, all new Lunars have now gone back to thetfords, due to the amount of complaints on the dometics

  • Nuggy
    Nuggy Forum Participant Posts: 512
    edited May 2016 #17

    My previous caravan had a glass tube so I could see how much was in the header tank, now it has to be guess work. (that's not progress). I try not to empty the tank fully, (except for winter), because if air gets into the pump it is reluctant to get going again and I cann't shake it like you can with the roller barrel pump.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #18

    We always have water in the flush tank while travelling.

    Bit concerned about the comments that sloshing water corroded the electric pump wiring though.......another reason why the good old, reliable pump handle should have been retained.

  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited May 2016 #19

    I travel with a couple of litres of mixed flush in a 2 Ltr Milk Bottle and fill flush tank if required. The drain from the tank is as you know is only a rubber bung, the tube itself is only pushed up onto the drain fitting from the tank itself, all in all
    not the most robust system for watertightness. Thetfords manual for the C200 advises travelling empty but also up to half full, which I take to mean the risk of leakage is with the user.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited May 2016 #20

    We just travel with whatever water is in the flush tank and have had no problems over the years. The club does suggest tanks should be empty when travelling as movement of the water can cause instability but it has never been a problem for us.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,107
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    edited May 2016 #21

    We just travel with whatever water is in the flush tank and have had no problems over the years. The club does suggest tanks should be empty when travelling as movement of the water can cause instability but it has never been a problem for us.

    We're the same, and never, so far had a problem and we tow for about 4000 mls a year.