How often do you change your van
l am starting this post has warning to others. We came back to caravanning in 2004 after 20 years; we only had 2 vans back in the late seventies and early eighties, Lunar Moonlight and an Abbey Westminster. Can't say the same this time round. When
we started again we used the in-laws Motor Home for a couple of years, eventually we got the bug again, after sitting around in over crowded foreign airports. Our first adventure back into caravanning was with Ace Brightstar that l purchased from friend which
we enjoyed thoroughly. In 2008 took early retirement and we bought a ex demo 2008 Ace Firestar which we thought would be o/k for us how wrong could l be, the wife could not get on with the wet room, not to worry we got a good price for the trade in only losing
£700. The van we bought after reading all the reports was the Lunar Clubman SE, which l thought was an excellent van. After 12 months the wife kept going on how the front lounge was nowhere near as comfortable has the Brightstar’s, at this stage word of warning,
when you go back to your dealers for the caravanning essentials ensure the wife is with you not in the show room. Big mistake leaving her to roam around, she fluttered her eyelashes at me before l new it l had bought a Bailey Unicorn Madrid. The moral of this
post make sure you do your home work on what van is best for your needs, in reflection its turned out for the best has the daughter has announce she is pregnant with our first Grandchild so all being well in couple of years or so we could be taking her or
him away in the Madrid which is more suitable for Grandchildren.