Bike Riding on Club Sites - A Suggestion
Much has been said by me and many others on the merits or otherwise of bike riding on Club sites. Accusations that ‘we were all kids once’ and equally ‘You will be a pensioner one day’ have flown around, but with due respect there have not been many constructive
suggestions as to how this situation can be mollified to satisfy all sides.
I would therefore like to float the following suggestion in the hope that a constructive debate might ensue. More importantly, I hope that raising this angle on the matter will stimulate other ideas as well.
Bikes are hot news at present as a result of the fantastic success of the GB Bike Riders in the Olympics. This is almost certainly going to increase bike riding on Club sites certainly in the short term at any rate! So why doesn’t the Club try and harness
that enthusiasm by the following:
- Set aside certain specified periods during the day and a specified course using the site roads (in whole or in part depending on circumstances) when motor vehicles will be prohibited on that course. Clearly, thought would have to be given to accommodating
arrivals of caravans. - Offer instructions in safe-riding/mechanical maintenance of bikes.
- Arrange competitions.
I quite realise that there will be objections on all sorts of grounds and not least on health and safety/insurance etc. which will negate the above suggestions but maybe by raising them someone will come up with other workable solutions rather than this
discussion rumbling on to nobody’s benefit.