A Warning ...... Site Vouchers

If you have any site night vouchers, make sure you use them before they expire. In my case I had to stop caravanning altogether last year until my hip was replaced and I then recovered from the surgery. A voucher I won, thus expired unused because I could not physically use it.
I would have been prepared to pay an administration fee, but for whatever reason, our beloved “Club” will not renew or extend them under any circumstances, even if you are unable to use them for ill-health reasons.
OK, so one night's site fees isn’t very much, but no reason was given on their part, just “policy” and then a very arrogant silence with no response at all to follow-up requests for a reason.
There really are times when I believe that this “Club” is not a club any more but just another greedy acquisitive corporate giant which happens to call its customers “members” and cleverly gets us all to pay £44 for the privilege. Individual members matter less and less.