Weight upgrades

Cartledge Club Member Posts: 267
edited August 2013 in Caravans #1

I have done a search on the subject but am now more confused than ever. Perhaps someone can explain in fluent "idiot" what it's all about.

My little two-berth has a payload of around 120kg, so if I have a motor mover fitted it would eat into that by quite a margin. I don't want to carry ever more stuff in the car.

I read that you can increase the weight allowance, that there is something called replating, etc etc., if you want to carry a bigger load. But I don't understand how you can simply do that without beefing up the chassis, the suspension and other things which
could be compromised if you carry heavier loads, and which would cost a fortune.

My van is only 63% of the weight of the towcar so I don't have a problem there.

Perhaps on the other hand I've got it all wrong.

Advice please?

