Wiring Question

I have a very old (circa 1983) Abi Ace Marauder. I have got a leisure battery which connects to the caravan by way of crocodile clips.
I also have a mains charger which connects via crocodile clips.
I have now been bought, by some lovely family members, a briefcase solar panel, but that also uses crocodile clips.
My problem is that I can't connect 3 or even 2 sets of crocodile clips to the battery at the same time. Is there any way of re-wiring the connections, especially the main connection to the electrics in the van, possibly using a battery ring connector, so
that I can have my van connected to the battery at the same time as one or other of the chargers?
As you can probably tell from the above, i don't know much about electrics and wiring so any advice would be appreciated.