Advertising by The Back Door

harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
edited April 2013 in Club Membership #1

(Moved from General Chat)

In the letters section of The Magazine page 44 I wish to complain about the letter titled "Water Works".

Whilst it does give answer to a problem in the March issue this letter to me is a shameless piece of advertising and it should not have been published by the club. It is very heavily worded as a product not as advice and is even signed, Marketing Manager. She must have been delighted to see this in print. How the club can allow this free type of advertising thus losing revenue is beyond me. Just over the page is a full sized advert from Elsan re their products which no doubt the club would have been paid for. So a chance has been missed.

The letters section is for members views not blatant advertsing.

I have posted this here because I very much doubt if I'd sent it to the Magazine it would have been printed.