How Many More Van Ins Ad's

How much longer will we all have to suffer the never ending bombardment of caravan insurance ad's from the club.
I realise the club has to generate income for various sources to make money to re-invest but all who are reading this will no doubt be aware of club insurance without having it constantly rammed down our throats. We all have a handbook, there's an insurance
Ad in there, we all must have seen it. So why then in the month of January have we been targetted five times that I know of. The Magazine has an Ad inside the front cover and an editorial Ad on page 60 and another on page 79 for motorhomes. Not forgetting
the A4 Ad slipped inside the plastic envelope it came in. Then just this morning I receive an envelope from the club. Can you guess what was in it......... Another A4 advert for van insurance and inside is attachedt a credit card sized type reference card
with telephone numbers for various insurance departments. Doesn't that make you a little fed up, well it does me. How much does all that cost?
Looking at the Ad on page 60 it says, "ensure you compare policies on a like-for-like basis". Well my own policy, from another company, has 10 years new for old on it's basic policy the club give 5 years.
We all know the club does insurance for god's sake. Please back off.