Black Knowl. Showers - A Let Down

I have just left a site report on this site and have copied it below.
With any site report it drops of the page quite quickly so may not get read. I would like to lay it open to others for discussion because the club need to make it known to the members what plans they have for this site.
Report as follows:
You can’t fault this site for its location; in fact it’s probably my favourite and that of many other members. It’s not the cheapest site so why oh why do we have to put up with the antiquated showers. The club now own this site so what is the delay
in having new toilet blocks. The system can’t cope but much worse is the age and condition of the block, which apparently was built in the early 70’s. Broken tiles, shower trays with the surface so worn it’s down to the cast concrete, mould in the grout, taps
that leak or don’t even turn off, flaking emulsion paint on the walls/pipe work and one toilet in the gents that has been out of action for some time with the door fixed shut.
In my marking I gave the facilities 1 star. I can’t fault the cleanliness; the wardens do a great job with what they’ve got. They must be as frustrated as the members and yet keep the block up to an acceptable condition. However they are fighting
a losing battle. This can’t go on for much longer.
The location must be a jewel in the CC’s crown but not until they give the members something decent in the way of a new shower block.