Replacement glass for oven door.
Our 7 year old grandson fell out of bed and put his elbow through the oven outer door door. (sea of glass - still picking it out of the carpet) The immaculate and efficient oven is a 15 years old - made by Stove - and they dont make it any more.
It is suggested that we have to replace the whole cooker. I have looked at various stove front glass companies with a view to having a piece cut for £69. On a "white goods" site it is said that you cannot have glass cut for an outer oven door as it
has to be made to measure. ie if you try to cut that kind of glass it would shatter. I cant beleive that I shall have to replace this very efficient oven for the sake of a piece of glass 36 x 45 cms, There are companies willing to cut me heat
resistant glass of the type used for stoves ( heat up to 1000 degrees..) for about £70 - but I am afraid that it might not be the right thing to do and I dont want to create a dangerous situation or invalidate my insurance.
The article also said that Stoves ovens have the glass "stuck" in - which sounds like it requires a professional to do - but the sealant is available.
I have tried caravan breakers for a door, with no success,
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you