Disgusting Pitches

We have just returned from St.Davids, an all grass site.We went on Monday.- Sunday Late availability showed 30+ pitches available. When we turned up were told all the pitches in the triangle below toilet block were out of use due to damage caused by ground
sheets. Other pitches on the site were also unavailable. In fact there were very few pitches avaiable. We tried to extend our stay forThursdauy but the site was full (but with 20/30 pitches out of action). Its time ground sheets were banned on grass pitches
or a surcharge made. The loss of income to the club wll be substantial as these pitches will be unavailable due to reeseeding this season. A lot of members will have their late holidays disrupted by these inconsiderate people. Fortunately we found an excellent
CL on the way home. In fact we are unlikely to use ST Davids again if the Cl is available..