Merry Christmas Everyone



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2015 #62

    And a very Happy Christmas to you and Mrs Malc too. Enjoy your day off, you'll need the time to tuck into all that food (and drink! Wink) you've
    stocked up on. Wild & windy weather down here on the north Cornwall coast - we've just been across the dunes to the lost church with Harry & Lady, nearly got blown off our feet over there. Just settling down to the first of many little drinkees now !

    Best wishes for 2016, maybe our paths will cross again next year! Happy

    And a very Happy Christmas to everyone else looking in today - hope you all have a great day wherever you are and whatever the weather! Don't cry

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2015 #63

    PS  - wrong smiley at the end there. Fat finger syndrome, I'm afraid and I couldn't get rid of it for some reason! Happy

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited December 2015 #64

    Well its finally happened. Christmas presents of socks and Brut gift pack! Good grief I feel my age, next step slippers!

    merry Christmas all!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #65

    And a very Happy Christmas to you and Mrs Malc too. Enjoy your day off, you'll need the time to tuck into all that food (and drink! Wink) you've
    stocked up on. Wild & windy weather down here on the north Cornwall coast - we've just been across the dunes to the lost church with Harry & Lady, nearly got blown off our feet over there. Just settling down to the first of many little drinkees now !

    Best wishes for 2016, maybe our paths will cross again next year! Happy

    And a very Happy Christmas to everyone else looking in today - hope you all have a great day wherever you are and whatever the weather! Don't cry

    Write your comments here...Thanks Chris. 

    And a very Happy Christmas to you and Mrs Malc too. Enjoy your day off, you'll need the time to tuck into all that food (and drink! Wink) you've
    stocked up on. Wild & windy weather down here on the north Cornwall coast - we've just been across the dunes to the lost church with Harry & Lady, nearly got blown off our feet over there. Just settling down to the first of many little drinkees now !

    Best wishes for 2016, maybe our paths will cross again next year! Happy

    And a very Happy Christmas to everyone else looking in today - hope you all have a great day wherever you are and whatever the weather! Don't cry

    Write your comments here...Enjoy your drink, Chris. I'm sure all that walking with Harry and Lady must have worked up a thirst!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #66

    By the way, what are you having to drink, Chris?

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2015 #67

    Given up beer for the day Malc. So just a nice iced sherry and a glass of red wine at lunchtime. We're having our main meal this evening, then it'll start with a g&t, glass of bubbly with the main course, a nice pudding wine with the Christmas Pud and maybe
    a Cointreau with the coffee. Should be able to doze through Downton nicely after that lot! Laughing

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited December 2015 #68

    Merry Christmas to everyone an hope everyone has a happy and healthy  2016Happy

    Brian & Jo

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #69

    Given up beer for the day Malc. So just a nice iced sherry and a glass of red wine at lunchtime. We're having our main meal this evening, then it'll start with a g&t, glass of bubbly with the main course, a nice pudding wine with the Christmas Pud and maybe a Cointreau with the coffee. Should be able to doze through Downton nicely after that lot! Laughing

    Write your comments here... Looks good, Chris! Have you got minced pies to go with the sherry? We had that earlier!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #70

    Whilst waiting for the turkey to cook, we watched the Christmas Top of the Pops on BBC 1 followed by the Queens speech.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited December 2015 #71

    And a Happy Christmas to one and all - I'vejust escaped from the kitchen! My job's to wash and clean after all the festivities and there's some cartoon or other on the TV so checked the email and then tried CT. Happy

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #72

    I thought it was a lovely message from the Queen in her speech. After that it was time to switch the tv off and finish off the cooking.  Well we have now had the starters and are just enjoying a bottle of Champagne whilst waiting for the remainder to be
    ready. Everything seems to take longer to cook in the caravan.

  • surburban2000
    surburban2000 Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited December 2015 #73

    merrychristmas ct david did Carol bounce of the walls wen she got home frome the stor and seen what the dog did? if so do tell J&ILaughingCoolKiss

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2015 #74

    Well its finally happened. Christmas presents of socks and Brut gift pack! Good grief I feel my age, next step slippers!

    Now't wrong with slippers.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #75

    Boxing Day today and it means back to work this evening for us. Perhaps people who have had enough of eating turkey may fancy a pizza delivery for a change!

    How quickly Christmas comes and goes!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited December 2015 #76

    merrychristmas ct david did Carol bounce of the walls wen she got home frome the stor and seen what the dog did? if so do tell J&ILaughingCoolKiss

    Actually she was more nostalgic than cross.  She made them some 25 years ago, but I guess it's time for a new set now.  At the same time she made a really large set for church, which are still in use as our church 'manger'.

    All is forgiven now though, as both the dog and I are out of the dog house.

    Happy Boxing Day everyone.  No 'deep and crisp and even for the feast of Stephen, here.  Still damp, but at least the rain has stopped for now.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2015 #77

    That  Deep  &  Crisp  &  Even  sounds  like  a  strap  line  for  Pork  Scratching  sales   !

  • bandgirl
    bandgirl Club Member Posts: 441
    edited December 2015 #78

    Just having my first "snowball" in donkeys' years, complete with a cocktail cherry.  Just wouldn't be the same without a cherry.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited December 2015 #79

    That  Deep  &  Crisp  &  Even  sounds  like  a  strap  line  for  Pork  Scratching  sales   !

    ."Good King Wenceslas looked out

    on the feast of Stephen

    When the snow lay round about

    Deep and crisp and even'......

    No scratchings today ABM.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2015 #80


    Laughing == ==>  Surprised 

    Lots  of  Laughing - Happy - Smiley - Icon  --  Thingies 



  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2015 #81

    That  Deep  &  Crisp  &  Even  sounds  like  a  strap  line  for  Pork  Scratching  sales   !

    ."Good King Wenceslas looked out

    on the feast of Stephen

    When the snow lay round about

    Deep and crisp and even'......

    No scratchings today ABM.


    Should this be in the "bed bugs" thread?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #82

    There are still plenty of Christmas lights on as a reminder that the Christmas season is not yet over, not until the 5th January by which time the daylight hours will be starting to get longer. So please everyone continue to enjoy this festive season while
    it still lasts!

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited December 2015 #83

    Plenty of lights yes.  But I find very many cant be bothered to take them down now.  They just leave them up around the outside of there house all year   I think it looks dreadful Sad

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2015 #84

    We've still got the lights on for our miniature Christmas tree in the front window of our caravan. It's in a plant pot and we keep it watered so that the needles don't fall off.