Are awnings dangerous?
Soon after arriving at our new site today, another couple arrived in their caravan and proceeded to pitch between us and their friends in a MH.
Firstly their motor mover died so we all jumped in and pushed the van into position ( they wanted to go nose in so they could face their friends!)
Meanwhile we have set up and are sat outside enjoying the sunshine
Next they started to erect their awning, it was seeming to take forever so I asked him if it was the first time. "Yes he replied and I've gone and threaded it along the rail inside out" So we were all having a laugh at his mistake as we have all done the same. Even with the help of their friends it was still taking ages. It turns out he had forgotten the instructions and it was mainly guesswork Time went on with no apparent progress and then suddenly an ambulance turned up and parked next to us. It would appear that the guy had got hot and sat down on the caravan step and suddenly took a turn for the worse. He was taken away for testing at the local hospital but has since returned.
So will there be a brand new Isabella full awning up for sale as I imagine it will always be in the back of their mind. Isabellas look a great awning but I can imagine the canvas is heavy for two people in their late 60's
I offered my help to the friends to try to erect the awning but there were a few bits of poles remaining that we could not figure out. However the warden and another Isabella owner came to the rescue and the awning was soon completed
Rather an eventful afternoon !