Roald Dahl Centenary
Our children loved Roald Dahl's books, I was always a bit sceptical, they seemed so subversive. But I have come to appreciate them and find his life very interesting. Quentin's Blake's illustrations brought much to the stories too. Sounds as though Cardiff,
his birthplace will be celebrating this special event.
Our children loved Roald Dahl's books, I was always a bit sceptical, they seemed so subversive. But I have come to appreciate them and find his life very interesting. Quentin's Blake's illustrations brought much to the stories too. Sounds as though Cardiff, his birthplace will be celebrating this special event.
Write your comments of the greatest children's writers if you ask me. Even I loved his books along with countless parents. He knew how children think and that's how he connected so well with them The use of language in the BFG was brilliantly done with whiz poppers, snoze cumbers and frobscottle and who could ever forget Matilda with stars like The Trunchbull and the heroic efforts of Bruce Bogtrotter!! And with Quentin Blake bringing to it a pictorial dimension was a master stroke. Fabulous stuff!! He is sorely missed!!