CC AirAngel wi-fi
I have been using the site's wi-fi on my MacBook for quite awhile, previously buying a card from the site warden and logging on without problem. Also, when I logged off I was informed how much time I had left.
Last week I purchased a 20 hour voucher online. The first problem after I had made my purchase was that my screen went blank and I was unable to access the internet. I could only find out my voucher code by checking my e-mail on my phone. This then connected
me but when I log off I am told my current session time but NOT how much time I have left.
When querying this with the Wardens at 2 different sites I am told that wi-fi is nothing to do with them although it is a service offered by the CC so I think they should be able to help.
Can anyone answer the major problem of not knowing how much time you have left. Thanks.