Coachman VIP 575 - minor problems inc 12v lighting

brissle Club Member Posts: 56
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edited June 2015 in Caravans #1

We've acquired a new (2015) Coachman VIP 575 and would be interested whether otrhers have experienced any minor faults after taking deivery.

We did the usual test run immediately after buying and things seemed all OK.  But now we`are away for the first serious test - 5 weeks in France - and a few things have cropped up.

Firstly - the catch plate for the sliding door for the ernd bathroom has come away and there appears to be insufficient timber behind to re-fix it - a job for our dealer.

Secondly - and rather frustratingly - the switching for LED lights in the bedroom area appears to bear no relationship to the switch provided above the bed.  Has anyone else experienced this?

A couple of other minor niggles which should have been picked up in the PDI, but that's life......

Oh - and do you need a degree in engineering to understand how to programme the amazing Aldi heating system?  The panel provides an amazing night glow - there must be a way of making it darker..?