Factory fitted TomTom in Majestic 125 motorhome...

I have a factory fitted TomTom in my new motorhome which operates almost identically to my portable that I have alway fitted to the dash etc. Updates on my portable version are relatively simple connect to PC with a USB, provided the instrument is registered
you can download updates and stick it back on the dash. Firstly TomTom do not know I am the owner of the new factory fitted model, I can get the details off the instrument and phone them but the actual connection for downloading could be tricky. Hope this
not a trip to a Peugeot main dealer with associated expense?? I have seen a statement on one of the screens about using an 8Gb data stick? Any one out there with any experience of doing a similar update. Thank you, Clankie.
I have phoned the Peugeot Main Dealer, they don't normally get involved in doing "what they call" a Radio/Nav update. They assure me put an 8gb flash drive in the USB socket in the drop down compartment, press the button on the tomtom screen that shows
the icon of a flash drive. The unit will load some files that will be recognised on the tomtom website, tomtom.com/getstarted, somehow you will be able to get the updates downloaded to the flash drive. now the trickey bit, you must switch the ignition to aux,
1st click, all dash lights up etc. switch the tomtom on and insert the flash drive. Also it is necessary to raise bonnet and clip battery charger onto the contacts, earth and positive, leave the charger on all the time the tomtom is updating this could take
30 to 40 minutes. They technician tells me it will do no harm to leave the ignition switch on the 1st click till the tomtom is updated!!! I'm going to wait till after New Year when things are not so hectic! This seems much harder than my stick on the dash
model. Is this really progress. Smacks of automatic wipers ech! Clankie......0