A Positive tale

DMU108 Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited August 2015 in Caravans #1

Hello fellow members, this is my first post so forgive me if I don't follow any conventions. Anyway what prompted me was reading some posts regarding negative experience of caravan dealers. In my case I would like to share a contrary experience and this
relates to S&D Harper in my home town of Elgin. Although my van (and first ever caravan) was not bought from them, to date they have been fantastic in helping me with advice and guidance as I have got used to my new interest. This included on one occassion
coming to my home and showing me how to re-align the 13 pin hook up which had come out of alignment. In particular mention should be made of Dougie whose assistance and service is over and above. I think we should acknowledge good service. My next van will
be from S&D Harper!