Pet Insurance (Dog)

Apache13 Forum Participant Posts: 7
edited January 2016 in Your Pets #1

We are taking our Standard Poodle (Blake) to France and onto Spain next month for the first timeand we are concerned that if there was an incident and we needed to take him to the vets how easy would this be for us. We are going to check our Pet Insurance
to see if we are covered for overseas treatment. Has any fellow motorhome/Caravaners had the unfortunate experience of the need to attend a vets overseas for emergency treatment. We understand the requirement of the Pet Passport and the visit to the vets on
our return.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,892
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited January 2016 #2

    That's a very interesting question Apache - I am interested to read replies.  My guess is that you would be covered but would need to pay up front and claim after the event.  This is pure speculation and different insurance companies will probably have different
    conditions.  We are covered with pet insurance through the Club.


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #3

    Haven't had the need to use it, but our dogs insurance plan includes 6 months cover abroad per year. Although it states 'Pay Vet Direct', in this case presume I would have to pay the fees and claim it back to the maximum of my policy.

    We have insured her with 'Aviva' and the Gold policy, with repatriation covered through Red Pennent.

  • crusader
    crusader Forum Participant Posts: 299
    edited February 2016 #4

    I found the routine vet prices (e.g. health check and worming tablet €34) to be lower than the UK the only reason I took out pet insurance was for pulic liability. I have since cancelled it due to the ongoing increases in price for nothing more than
    the dog was a year older. I now put the premium into a easy access isa where I get interest on it

  • Nethernut
    Nethernut Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited February 2016 #5

    We have our dog insured through John Lewis and this gives up to 60 days full cover in Europe plus repatriation cover.  Have found them very good, in fact we are claiming at the moment and everything is going through very efficiently.

  • crusader
    crusader Forum Participant Posts: 299
    edited February 2016 #6

    LV give unlimited cover but they keep hiking up the price every year