Caravan Channel...Funniest show on TV?
Yes I know this has been touched on in the recent past and I still watch it to see if the mis-informed individual "presenting" the show has got any better...sadly not..maybe worse.
How many times do I need to know that a 'van has cooking surface with so many burners with a grill and an oven.. hasn't every van ? ...with a presenting style that is at best faltering and at worse repetetive.
It looks a though the poor chap hasn't a clue as how to fill the time given to him and so prattles on about anything that comes to mind and seems woefully short of presenting the point that this week he failed to point out major design changes
to the windows on a Sprite Major....just let the pictures tell the story as they do on the Caravan Finder show.
The most pleasure though has got to be had when fast forwarding...just watch his hands flapping up and down like a big bird trying to take off....and yes I could do a better job , having worked in the theatre all my life and performed in front of audiences
of thousands and understand fully the need for preparation and variety. Unfortunatly I was not available to audition for a job I would have relished.
Waiting for the brick bats........